Saturday, September 22, 2012

Falling for Fall at Walks and Wags!

Wow! It's officially Fall and we're loving the cooler weather and the lower humidity! We can play harder, run faster and stay outside even longer. Woof!!

Frisbees are fun in the Fall!

Molly and Griswald get up close and personal.
Willoughby and Griswald take five.

Bailey says, "hello!"

Willoughby is hiding!

Louis and Rika love day care!

All smiles!! :)

Happy baby!

Tucker waits for the ball.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Give me a F! Give me a U! Give me a N!

What's that spell? FUN!!

You got it...every day is a fun day at Walks and Wags! We're running, jumping and swimming our way into fall! Check it out and come PLAY with us!

It's a lovely day for a stroll!

Willoughby says, "it's my rope!"

Hey! I'm not a float.

I double dog dare ya to get in my pool! 

Think we could get a few more in here?

All smiles at play care!


McKenzie loves to play fetch.

Hey you! Let's play.

No cameras, please. We're about to smooch.

Splishing and splashing!

John Paul takes a break.

John Paul and Peyton love the Frisbee!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

We're having a ball at Walks and Wags!

Wow! Can you believe we just marked the end of summer with Labor Day 2012!? What a fantastic summer it has been and we're planning to keep having fun at Walks and Wags all the way through the end of the year. Here's a little peek at what we've been doing.

Let me just check you out.

Charlie Brown and Tucker take a break.

Charlie Brown is relaxing after playtime.

Pretty baby!

I am so fast it is amazing!

Willoughby and Charlie Brown talk it out.

Three pretty blondes. 

All smiles!

Happy doggy!

Is it my turn to go into the pool?

I think I have something stuck in my tooth. :/

Do we look like twins? 

The class, sitting for treats.

So well-behaved!

Look how good we share!

Nalee can chase!

So happy and having fun!


Precious pooch.

Cuteness times ten!

Pascha strikes a pose!

Winnie is all smiles when she's at Walks and Wags!

I love Walks and Wags!